Monday 15 July 2013

About Me + 12 Personal Questions Tags

Hi again! Who want's to get to know me a bit better? No one? Well too bad. Have a tag.

About Me Tag

  1. Do you have a middle name? Yes I do, but I hate it. It sounds like pasta. It's Rohini. 
  2. What was you favourite subject in school? Well, I'm still in school, so my favourite subject in school is usually art, but last semester, I really enjoyed my grade 12 Calculus class. I still love art though. 
  3. What's your favourite drink? I think this question is referring to alcoholic drink, but I don't drink alcohol (only a tiny bit on occasions). My favourite non alcoholic drink would probably be Canada Dry raspberry ginger ale. But that is hard to say, because I suck at picking favourites, I'm just too loving! 
  4. Favourite song at the moment? THERE ARE TOO MANY. Ummmmmmm, okay I'll name 5, but there are so many more. Read All About It Part 3- Emeli Sande, Lift Off- Jay Z and Kanye West feat. Beyonce,  Hannah Hunt- Vampire Weekend, Bound 2- Kanye West, Why I Love You- Jay Z and Kanye West feat. Mr. Hudson
  5. What would you name your children? Oh god, I think about this way to much, far more than I should at 16. I change my mind on this matter quite a bit, but right now I think for a girl Anamika is really pretty and I honestly don't think of boy names. At all. 
  6. Do you participate in any sports? I play badminton on my school team. I participate in a few sport recreationaly such as soccer (I used to play on a team when I was little), track, and dance (I used to take hip hop and latin). 
  7. Favourite book? I don't read as much as I should, but I think my fave book would probably be Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
  8. Favourite colour? PURPLE. I also really like red and metals. 
  9. Favourite animal? I love all animals (except for insects and arachnids) so that's hard to choose, but since right now I have a pet bunny, I'm going to have to go with a bunny.
  10. Favourite perfume? Mine is not technically a perfume, it's a fragrance mist and it's for Bath and Body Works. It's the Rainkissed Leaves Signature Collection Fragrance Mist. It smells like the smell right after it has rained, it's so fresh and uplifting! Unfortunately, Bath and Body Works discontinued the Rainkissed leaves collection in store, but it still is available online!
  11. Favourite Holiday? That is really hard to say considering I've been on so many. I think my most relaxing holiday I've been on was to Mexico. I think this may be due to the fact that I was old enough to appreciate it. We didn't go to any of the super tourist infested place. We got to go to a beach which we practically had to ourselves, we went swimming in the cenotes, and I got to talk to so many lovely locals. 
  12. Have you graduate high school yet? No I have not. I am going into grade 12 next year. Isn't that insane?! I feel like just yesterday I was entering high school for the first time.
  13. Have you been out of the country? TONS. Of the 16 years that I have been alive, I have visited 16 countries. 
  14. Do you speak any other languages? Yes, I speak three other than English. In order of fluency, they are Hindi/Urdu, French, and German.
  15. Do you have any siblings? I have one brother, Pranay, who is two years older than me. We're pretty darn tight. 
  16. What's your favourite store? This changes a lot for me depending on their stock. Right now, my favourite affordable store is H&M. I also like Bluenotes and Stitches for the most part, but I have a lot of trouble finding things that fit because I do have a defined hourglass figure. My favourite non-affordable store is a tie between Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger (for now). 
  17. Favourite restaurant? EARLS. OH MY GOD I AM IN LOVE WITH EARLS.
  18. Did you like school? I don't really know. I love learning knew things, but at my old school, I felt really repressed and felt as thought I couldn't be me. I hope I'll like both the academic and social aspects of my new school. 
  19. Favourite Youtubers? There are SO many, I'll name a few though. Zoe from zoella280390, Lilly from IISuperwomanII, K.L. from secretlifeofabionerd, Jadah from CallJadahDoll, Dulce Candy from DulceCandy87, Louise from sprinkofglitter, Marcus Butler from MarcusButlerTV, Joe from Thatcher Joe, Alfie Deyes from pointlessblog, oh god there are so many more.
  20. Favourite movie? Definitely Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Yes it is a movie as well. 
  21. Favourite TV show? Again, there are tons. Friends, Whose Line Is It Anyways, New Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Say Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, Game of Thrones, to name a few. 
  22. PC or Mac? Definitely PC. It's just so much more convenient for me, I've grown up with it. 
  23. What phone do you have? iPhone 5 at the moment. I had a shitty LG Banter before that though, it was my first phone.
  24. How tall are you? 5'6" (165cm)

12 Personal Questions Tag

  1. What do you order at Starbucks? I actually don't go to Starbucks very often at all, I'm more of a Timmie's girl, but I always order the super fruity drinks at Starbucks, never coffee or tea. 
  2. Name one thing in your closet you can't live without. Probably my maxi dresses, any of them. Either that or any of my high waisted bottoms (skirts/shorts/pants). 
  3. What's one thing most people probably don't know about you? I can crack pretty well every joint in my body and my knee, shoulder, and hip can all dislocate. 
  4. Name one thing you want to do before you die. This is going to be really cheesy, but fall in love and have a long, happy relationship. 
  5. What's one food you cannot live without? Bread. I love me some carbs. 
  6. What quote/phrase do you live by? Throwback to kindergarten here; treat others the way you would like to be treated. 
  7. What's your most listened to song on iTunes? My iTunes is frozen right now and I really want to post this today, so I can't tell you. Sorry :'(
  8. What kind of a style would you describe yourself as having? I would probably have to say feminine. I do try my best to keep up with the latest trends though. 
  9. Favourite number? 14
  10. Two hobbies? Art and fashion design, but those can be classified as the same thing. Art and science. 
  11. Two pet peeves? People who try so hard to fit in to the point where they lose who they are and when people try to control my life. 
  12. Guilty pleasures? Watching childhood cartoons. Also, hazelnut chocolate and white chocolate. 

I tag anyone who is up for doing this, have fun!

Hugs and Kisses

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